28 on the 28th. I had a fun-filled day and the big finale was seeing the lights on temple square with Jon, Emmie and Luke. I love my little fam!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Shae's Golden Birthday!
28 on the 28th. I had a fun-filled day and the big finale was seeing the lights on temple square with Jon, Emmie and Luke. I love my little fam!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Lukie's First Birthday
My baby turned one on November 29th. It has been a fun couple of months with all the holidays and birthdays. I cannot believe how big my little boy is! He took his first few steps on his very birthday. Then on Christmas Day we realized that he is pretty much walking (ya know, the duck waddle with a huge smile and still several falls). He is so stinkin cute! And yes, his hair is still his very best feature!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Trick or Treat
still waiting and looking so cute :)
However, this was our experience 10 minutes before we got to Granny's:
Blurry pictures of crying babies. Classic.
They cheered right up to see Granny, Shelby, Scot....and CANDY!
Shelby (the cute Dr. Seuss baby) came with us to a Halloween party afterward.
Emmie's buddy Noah had a little Halloween party where they decorated cupcakes and went trick or treating. They had a lot of fun. I kept thinking they were going to turf it in the rain as they were running as fast as their 3 year old legs could carry them from house to house.
After the party we went to see "Jampa Go" and "GraMare"
Kate and Alex came to join our dance party (Snow White was dancing to some of Grandpa Joe's rock-n-roll)
More Halloween fun....the pumpkin stand next door to our place had pony rides earlier that week. Emmie rode on "Snoopy" and absolutely loved it.
We decided to carve pumpkins this year. When Emmie turned one around Halloween time, one of her first words was "umkin" She has always loved them since.
Emmie was way into all the gooey stuff. And yes, I'm sure you already guessed that she did eat some. That's our Emmie!
Lukie wasn't sure what to think!
Emmie drew the face and Jon went to work...
We liked how he turned out! Emmie named him "balance" (Must have been a new vocabulary word for her that day!)
Happy Halloween! A little late I know; I realized this after walking into the grocery store and being bombarded by candy canes, stockings, nutcrackers, snowman oreos (yes the advertising did work because those were the first things to go in my cart....they even have red filling...YUM!), and of course all the huge Toy Story 3 displays (KMart has Toy Story 3 playing on a flat screen at the display so your kids can be entertained for a few minutes while you go through the checkout line!) Oh my, TIS THE SEASON! I am excited for all the upcoming holidays....including two birthdays (me and Luke) and our FOURTH wedding anniversary....has it really been that long? Well, I guess since we have two kids, it BETTER have been that long!
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Emmie was having the time of her life watching Cinderella. She took this picture and was proud of it!
Emmie and Luke dressed up for the Halloween party as a prince and princess. Jon was so great to orchestrate everything for the surprise to work.

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