Thursday, December 6, 2012

Luke's Birthday!

My sweet boy turned 3.  This blog post has pictures of my little boy...

On the metro headed for the botanic gardens to see a Christmas display

Halloween teeth from Granny

Deviled ghost eggs with a devil mullet!

We went swimming at the rec center the night of his birthday. It was also Claire's first time swimming. She loved it, although we didn't get her completely in the water.  She just sat in the shallow part and splashed around.

Luke was in heaven

It was a fun family day.  The kids were super excited they got to stay up late after swimming to eat cake and open up presents! Luke wanted a pirate cake.

"Wreck it Ralph" on top of the house was a big hit this year for Lukie. He also loved all his presents from Grandmas, Grandpas and cousins.  Thank you!

Kate's cute sign from last year

The day after his birthday, Luke had his first cleaning at the dentist. I was so impressed. I should post a video to show you how still he was.

Below are some random videos.  Actually this whole blog post is random.  Nothing is in order. Hopefully you can get a flavor for our daily life. Crazy, fun and out of control! 

Luke's birthday dinner...ha! hot dogs, olives and pickles.  Kate and my dad would approve!

And he was happy about it :)
Christmas family photo

A box house Emmie made for Claire!

The next few pictures are of the Bagley family.  We just LOVE them! They came to visit us a month ago. Luke had a BLAST as they brought him a DS to play with!! Here are all the boys playing their video games! 

Rita (named after my spunky sweet Grandma) is such a sweetheart

Emmie just adores her. We had a fun "girl day" where me, Emmie and Rita went to a movie and then to the store to pick out "polly pockets"

Corbin dressed up to serve the girls food in their fort.


Caleb, Rita and Corbin were so great with our kids

Taji, Chance and the boys went into DC for a day. They came back with these souvenirs:  Angry bird hats!!
Here's my crazy kiddos!  I love these guys. So glad they are my whole world.  I'm so grateful that 3 year ago at this time I was cradling my newborn Lukie. That Christmas was so special as I felt a new appreciation and love for Mary, who cradled her baby Jesus in a manger. What a sweet time to celebrate my boy's birthday each year!  And now we head for UTAH next week!  Woot woot!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today was a beautiful day:  the air was crisp, the sun was shining and the kids were happy (at least for a few moments when they were swinging at the park)!!

We had some friends over for Thanksgiving dinner. Everything turned out great! (Thanks Mom for giving me pep talks about hosting Thanksgiving dinner!!) Kids in the picture above:  Brooks, Emmie, Luke and Cole (Jenn's boys)

No Shave November

Otto ate Oreos for dinner! (see the table decor Jenn made in above picture)

Jenn and Dave

Shawnda and Nate (kids are Otto and Grace)

Jono was awesome today and yesterday (he let me boss him around with cleaning, etc :)!  Love you Noj!

baby Grace

Emmie doo in charge of the remote control :)

Luke, Brooks and Otto

 A couple weeks ago we took a walk to a lake nearby. It was beautiful.  I started reflecting on my blessings....

The biggest of which are the people that surround me every day

These Yay-hoos that I chase around all day

They are my whole world and I love them!

Today I also thought about how grateful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of the prophet Mormon's last words in the Book of Mormon are "Lay hold upon the gospel of Christ."  (Mormon 7:8).  Thanks to my sister in law Sarah's post about success, I have come to the conclusion that serving others is "laying hold upon the gospel of Christ."  He served in small ways every day. I have felt others serve me daily. It is those small things we do for each other that matter most!!  Happy Thanksgiving :)