Thursday, October 18, 2012

More on Emmie's Special Day

We had a little photo shoot with our big 5 year old

She loves to pose for the camera

She told me that 5 year olds can be sassy (she says this was direct advice from her 6 year old cousin, Charley)

This was Em getting Claire to smile and laugh

I love these outside shots with the contrasting colors (turquoise accessories, gold dress and hot pink/purple shoes)


Love this shot of my princess lifting up her dress to step onto the rocks

Again, where does she get all these amazing poses?  I swear she is already giving me a preview of her bridals!!

So gorgoeous

A beautiful day for a beautiful girl

We had a few friends over for her birthday party.  Kate made us a darling birthday banner for Emmie's 4th birthday. It was so fun to get it out again this year and remember our Kako! It eased the stress of decorating for the party! Thanks Kate.

This was me, Em and Luke a few minutes before the party filling the pinata

Emmie liked doing the "behind the scenes" work

Right before her guests came, Emmie opened up "Tangled" the movie from mom and dad.  She wanted to watch a "little show" at her party. 

While the adults sat at the kitchen table to eat, the kiddos got to eat and watch part of "Tangled".  It was a great setup!
Emmie showing off her pedicure!

Yep, we really did it.  Before the party, I took Emmie to get a pedicure.  She learned what a salon was a few months ago. Ever since then, she has asked to "do her nails" at a salon for her birthday.  I was a little hesitant about that (I didn't have a pedicure until I was 20).  However, now I will pay money to watch a young girl get a pedicure over getting one myself. She was in heaven and it was the cutest thing!

Emmie loved the water that changed colors, the warm purple rags, the "prickly lotion" the foot massages, and the rose smelling soap

Ci Ci, the nail tech made Emmie feel like a queen!

Emmie held so still and was perfectly happy to have this special treatment on her birthday!

Ci Ci even gave Emmie a birthday gift by adding the flowers for free!

Em told Ci Ci she would be back!  (I say when Emmie has her own wallet.....)

Lucy, Nora and Sarah watched Luke and Claire so we could go to the salon.  Emmie is showing off her nails to Lucy

Luker enjoyed all the festivities as well!! He was in several different costumes throughout the day :)

Below are two videos taken on Emmie's birthday---riding her hand-me-down new bike and showing off her skill of blowing up balloons!
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My good friend Karen took a lot of pictures at the party and made a slideshow for Em's birthday.  It turned out really cute. We love our Emmeline Shae and couldn't be more grateful she came to our home 5 years ago!

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