Friday, November 16, 2007

Bonding Time With Emmie

Emmie is 5 weeks old today! Every day makes us feel more and more lucky that she is in our family. Mommy loves to be with her little girl. However, there always tends to be pictures of daddy and her bonding and never of mommy. This seems pretty ironic since mom is with Emmie from 6 in the morning on (sometimes 2 am, sometimes 4 am, etc). I guess the fact that I'm in my PJs during all hours would account for the fact that there aren't many pictures of me. Emmie is all bundled up in a cute bear outfit that Charley used to wear.

They seem to bond best this way!!

We tried putting Emmie in her backpack carrier but we decided she will like it much better when she is bigger and can see more than daddy's hairy chest!!!!

Bath Time!

This picture was taken before bathtime. Emmeline had no idea what was coming.....

This if after I took the screaming Emmie out of the tub. Jon and I have decided that liking the bathtub is an acquired "taste" much like acquiring a taste for sea food, kimchi (Korean cabbage), onions, tomatos and other foods that kids spit out and later learn to love.

Emmie was asleep in this position for 2 hours. It looks like she is trying to protect herself from someone throwing a ball at her face!

Emmie went to church for the first time on Sunday. She wore this cute outfit she got from the Ivans. Needless to say, we only made it to the opening prayer before Emmie started squawking and we had to go out into the foyer. We met a whole new community of babies out in the foyer. It was a whole different meeting out there!

The Tale of the Baby Swing

Cousin Charley seemed to be the only one who liked the swing in the first couple of weeks. She was too big for it, but would hold on to it and bounce up and down. Now the swing has become Emmie's current bed. She gets an upset tummy quite often and the rocking motion seems to soothe her. Either that, or the rocking motion is actually giving her the sea sick sensation and causing her to be upset when she wakes up! Who knows. Many people might label her as a "colicky baby." If you look up the definition of "colic" you will pretty much find every symptom under the sun for fussy babies. We have pretty much concluded that every baby comes with his/her own manual that is left behind in heaven. It is up to us to figure out what would be written in these manuals that make our babies happy! Emmie follows the rules of her own book we like to call "Emmie Wise!" However, we have found one book to be most helpful. It is called "The Happiest Baby on the Block." by Dr. Harvey Karp. I recommend this book to anyone thinking of bringing a little one to their home. I wish I knew this during my babysitting years! Emmie is soothed instantly when we follow these suggestions. Lately we have found that Emmie doesn't like to hear our voices, or sweet lullabyes when she is upset. She would rather hear me blow drying my hair, or the running water as I wash dishes. So as of late, Jon has recorded the blow dryer and running water on to his computer. We put it on repeat and Emmie is lulled instantly into sleepy land. The noise might drive mommy and daddy absolutely insane, but to Emmie it is the sound of Beethoven's best concerto.

Beautiful Autumn

Emmie and I do not get out very much....but we did enjoy a Sunday family stroll around the block when she hit her one month mark.

It felt weird to walk the same streets I had walked for months--only this time with a huge stroller instead of an awkward belly.

All bundled up....we had her in plenty of layers, as well as a blanket covering the top of the stroller the entire time. She probably didn't even know she was outside!

Friday, November 2, 2007

3 weeks old!

Our little angel. Emmie is the sweetest thing in the whole world. It's true that she keeps me up at night but my heart melts every time I look at her. She is awake more and more and her eyes are starting to focus (she still goes cross-eyed if she concentrates too hard!) We love to have family snuggle time when Emmie is awake. She lays in between us and gives us the greatest looks. We can't wait until she smiles at us (for now her gas smiles are sure cute!)

Emmeline only likes to take pictures with daddy.

It's true!

I guess our blog has now become an advertisement for Huggies

Halloween Slumber

Emmie slept through her first Halloween night. She was Winnie the Pooh on the inside and out.

Mommy was at least awake enough to enjoy the Pooh Bear bundle

Jon had to help someone move on Halloween night (what a saint), so we didn't go anywhere for Halloween. However, my cute neighbor Vanessa brought her little boy Hayden to our house for pictures....I would say they came trick-or-treating but both Emmie and Hayden just laid there and there was no candy or tricks involved.

What a great Yoda!