A hot spring appropriately called "Ear Spring"
A mini geyser from the distance. Jon is the photographer on most these shots. (His artsy side comes out!)
Okay, so I did take this one and it is a little out of focus!
I liked this background. Oh, and I'm not sure if you could tell yet that it was FREEZING. This was one of the more milder days. By day 3 I was wearing 5 layers on top!
My Jonny!
Pwwweetty waterfall. There were such amazing waterfalls along the way to different sites. My favorite part of the trip was all of the driving. There were so many cool things to see. It was a time to just sit and think. That doesn't happen when Em is in the car so it was a nice change-up for me!
This picture does not do justice to the amazing color of teal found in this spring. It seemed magical.
Old Faithful.....faithful as ever
A river's birthplace is right behind me! Jon took me to this really cool place called "Big Springs." Big Springs is the head waters of Henry's Fork of the Snake River. 120 million gallons of water bubbles up from underneath the ground here every day. It was pretty amazing. Jon's Dad loves this place and would bring his family here all the time.
Then Jon took me to a place in Island Park where he, his dad and brothers used to fish. Jon said they used to fish underneath this bridge.
We both tried fitting under the bridge now and it was a little awkward! Jon was happy to walk down memory lane for a bit.
It was such a great trip. I am so thankful that Em was in good hands (her two amazing grandmas and families). They were so nice to let Jon and I take off for a few days. I missed Em, but certainly not at 7 in the morning when I was peacefully dreaming! Thanks for the fun trip Jon!
Thanks for sharing the pics and update on your get away. So glad you were able to be together! Love,MOM
such cute pics from your trip! you guys are such a great couple and I'm glad you got away together!
Yipee for trips without kids! And thank goodness for Grandmas who babysit! Looks like fun Shae!
Well done on the Big Springs side trip, Noj. Remember we used to catch those baby trout by the bridge, cut the line and throw them back? That was awesome...wonder how many fish we killed that way.
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