Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Day in the Canyon

We went up Mueller Park canyon the other night and had tinfoil dinners (thanks to my parents' canyon pass and firewood). It was absolutely gorgeous and Emmie had the time of her life exploring every piece of grass, twig and beetle. We took some family pics and thought they would be fun for you to see.

She was loving every minute of this adventure!

Such a sweet girl

A drastic change in moods after another head "bonk" from falling.

I love this smile!! She gives it when she is truly excited about whatever she is doing. I didn't know a field of grass and dandelions would bring it out. I would see something in the distance (the sand volleyball court) and want to show it to her. We would start walking there (in my mind, thinking only of getting to the sand). She would take two steps, lean down and pick a piece of grass or a piece of dirt on the path. She was so fascinated by every little thing in between our starting point and our destination. I was only focused on the destination. I thought it was neat that she would help me remember that we can enjoy everything "in between" in our daily living rather than only focusing on finishing something or getting somewhere.


Brooke said...

Seriously so cute!!!!

Shellers said...

SO CUTE!! ADORABLE!! I really like your insight too shae and that emmie inspired it!! She is such a doll!

Jyl said...

Shae-you are learning way too much from your first child!! I love Emmie's excitement for life. Love ya, MOM

Nick and Erica Hart said...

I love Mueller Park Canyon! That looks like so much fun!

Grand Pooba said...

I love that smile too!

John and Rachael Alexander said...

Love this post. I love the family pic of you three at the beginning... you are such a perfect cute family and I think Emmie is looking more and more like you Shae! Love the canyon and thanks for the insight about life!