We sometimes go to my old Junior High to play at the new park they built there. The old one that was there when I was little (the dangerous one) with the horse swings and merry go round was way better. However, the new slide is killer and it even gets my tummy! You can tell I am more excited than Em to experience the thrill!
You already knew this love---the "WING!"
She is my brave girl these days and walks all over the playground and runs across the wobbly bridges which always makes my heart drop thinking she'll trip and fly head first to the ground. We have found ourselves at the park more and more with the good weather. It doesn't help that it is also on the way to Jon's work and Em can see it out the window. She yells "wings!" with such excitement that we have to stop for the 3rd time that day.
Em loves the rocks in our yard (yes, the parking lot has become our makeshift yard! Terrible I know, but I limit her to the far curb with all the rocks and sticks and I stand between her and the cars--only a mom's kind of sacrifice!) This was a rainy/sleety day but we both needed to get out of the house so I decided to make an event out of it by bundling her up in the snowsuit she's only worn a couple times this year. Isn't she darling?
This pictures explains why she has only worn the suit a couple of times this year!
Yes, Emmie is sitting in the passenger seat and no, you do not need to call child services on us! Well, maybe. Here's the deal. Em gets bored waiting for Dad when we pick him up for work. I would pull her out of her carseat and let her play around up front with me. One time I took her for a ride like this around Jon's parking lot. After experiencing the position in the car that people fight over-- "shotgun" --it was all over. Now it has become routine that when we pick up Dad for work, she gets to "rive" or "drive" in the front with daddy. He comes out and takes her a few yards around the back of the building and she has this perma grin the entire time! It is the cutest thing so Jon and I haven't spoiled the fun yet--however we have received weird looks from his coworkers who see us backing out with Em chilling in the front seat.
She is ready for a road trip with those shades!
What could be better than enjoying the view out the front windshield with access to a box of wheat thins? Em looks so grown-up in this picture.
Em got finger paints in her easter basket. She had fun and I loved seeing her wear my old night shirt as a painting dress. She can't believe I let her get all that sticky colorful mess on her hands (with markers and water paints I tell her she can't touch them so this was confusing for her at first)
She was fascinated to see all those colors on her hand. But minutes later she wanted me to wash them.
I thought it would be fun to show you how much Em has grown. This was about a year ago when she was 5 months old. She actually fit on the changing table from head to toe. I actually think she looks like her cousin Andrew in this picture.
Same changing table, same happy girl, but somehow I can't quite seem to fit her whole body in the picture, let alone on the changing table! We love our sweet Emmeline!