Here is a little video of her jabbering about her two friends, the beach balls. Thanks again Devrie and Stacy for providing these!
She loves the swing, as many of you have already seen. This is her friend Julianna (Danna's little girl). I love how we can fit them both in there. They don't quite know what to do when they are back to back with with each other! We used to only go to the park for this one swing. Just this week Emmeline has started to like the slides. It has been fun to see her get excited about something new.
I couldn't leave out one of Em's favorite loves....eating! Her smirkey smile comes out most when she eats! I love this pic.
This is what Emmie's hair was doing when she woke up the other morning. The little front wave was pretty sweet. I kept it this way for the entire day!
And of course she loves her daddy. It is cute to see their little relationship grow. She went through a time when she would swipe him in the face! Now she gives him "kisses" and wrestles with him on the bed. Whenever he wakes up in the morning she has this huge grin on her face and almost starts laughing in excitement because she knows he is going to pick her up, throw her on the bed or do something to surprise her. It is way cute. I'm not sure what they were both looking at in this pic but they look so much alike already and they are doing the same thing.
She loves her mommy too. This is VERY true of Emmeline for any of you who want to hold her when I'm around. I enjoy it while she still wants me around! This darling little outfit is compliments of her cousin, Charlotte.
Here she is! Our little star. You know how you have pivotal, bright spots in your life? (wedding day, graduating school, baby's delivery, birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, vacations, missions, baptism day, blessings, etc) It is so neat to have a baby because every day becomes that bright spot. It is not just a one time event that you work for, live through and then move on from. She is my forever bright spot! (Don't you love cheesy blogs?)